Pet Vaccinations Needed for Boarding

Oct 20, 2019 | Pet Boarding Tips

Pet Vaccinations Needed for Boarding

Vaccinations Needed for Boarding – The antibodies produced by pet vaccinations protect our precious pups and kitties from contagious and fatal diseases in which they may come into contact. Some immunizations will need boosters throughout your pet’s life. Your vet can provide you with requirements and a booster timeline.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) guidelines, puppies should be vaccinated every two to four weeks between the ages of six and 16 weeks with the final round of puppy shots given no earlier than 16 weeks of age. All puppies should receive the core vaccines of DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, or parainfluenza) and a rabies vaccine. The rabies shot can be given as early as four months but is generally given around the age of six months.

Non-core vaccines are considered optional. Your vet will look at a variety of factors, including geographic location and lifestyle, to determine what your pet might need.

One non-core vaccine that is often required by kennels before boarding your pet is Bordetella (kennel cough).

It is preferable to wait two weeks after your dog gets vaccinated before boarding. Also, if your older dog did not get immunized as a puppy, they cannot be boarded until 7-14 days after being vaccinated. It’s always best to check with the kennel for specific requirements.

At Big Times Kennel, your pet’s health and well-being are of utmost importance while in our care.

We require core vaccinations as recommended by the AAHA, plus the Bordetella vaccine. Puppies under six months do not need the rabies vaccine, and we don’t require the canine influenza shot. We do accept Titers in place of shots, which are the number of antibodies in your pet’s blood to fight off infections. If the number is high, your dog is protected; if low, your pet may not have immunity. For more information, read this article about titer testing.

We require the same shots for all of our guests, whether a puppy or adult.

A veterinarian must properly vaccinate all animals, and an updated record from your vet is required for boarding. We do not board puppies less than four months old, as the last puppy shot must be given at the 16-week mark.

Big Times Kennel also boards cats, and just like our canine guests, cats are required to have updated shot records from the veterinarian covering FVRCP, Feline Leukemia, and rabies.

Every pet owner wants peace of mind knowing that their precious pooch or kitty is receiving the most skilled and loving care in their absence. Big Times Kennel owners, John and Maureen Reilly, are award-winning trainers, groomers, and caregivers who live on-site. Serving the Dayton, Ohio, area for 40+ years is a testament to their true love for animals.

With the holidays coming up, our boarding kennel fills up fast, so call today at 937-885-3427 to reserve a spot!

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